Achieve Complete Wellness - £999

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being with The Oily Witch's 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation, now redesigned to offer a comprehensive exploration of mind, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Priced at £999, this sacred exchange is a true gift to yourself, guiding you towards peace and light through a 360-degree view of your being.

Key Highlights:

  1. Mind and Emotional Health Consultation (£360):

    • Delve into your mind and emotional well-being during this two-hour session.

    • Gain valuable insights and personalized guidance for mental and emotional health.

  2. Spiritual Health Consultation (£360):

    • Explore the spiritual dimensions of your life in a dedicated two-hour consultation.

    • Connect with your inner self and receive guidance on enhancing spiritual well-being.

  3. Physical Health Consultation (£360):

    • Prioritize your physical health with a comprehensive two-hour consultation.

    • Receive expert advice and insights tailored to improve overall physical well-being.

    • Blood type information and DNA testing are recommended for those specifically seeking physical health assessment.

Full 360-Degree Consultation Package (£999):

  • Combine all three parts for a holistic 360-degree experience.

  • Unlock the full spectrum of well-being for a discounted total of £999

Consultation Process:

Step One - Soulful Wellbeing Exploration:

  • Begin with a Soulful Wellbeing Exploration and the creation of your Birth and Medical Astrological Chart.

  • Provide blood type information and consider DNA testing for a comprehensive physical health assessment.

Step Two - Face-to-Face or Online Consultation:

  • Revisit your Soulful Wellbeing Exploration during a face-to-face or online Zoom consultation.

  • Explore Birth and Astrology insights and engage in an Aromatherapy session, either in person or through Dowsing online.

Individual Wellbeing Prescription:

  • Based on the gathered information, receive a detailed Individual Wellbeing Prescription and Full Report specifying natural remedies and guidance to address imbalances and diseases.


  • Receive full notes and recommendations post-consultation, and consider taking your own notes during the session for better retention.

  • Continued support is available through Spiritual Counselling sessions tailored to specific issues that arose during the consultation.

The Benefits:

  • Thoroughly immersive and comprehensive, the 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation focuses on the whole of you.

  • High success rates and rapid response ensure you embark on your wellness journey within a week.

  • Keep your details on file for future insights and quick, effective responses.

Next Steps:

  • Explore ongoing support options, including Spiritual Counselling sessions tailored to specific issues that emerged during the consultation.

  • Gain tools and insights to foster independence and self-health on your well-being journey.

Lifetime Insights:

  • The insights from your consultation remain applicable for a lifetime, aiding you in understanding your biological children’s health and wellbeing.

Embark on this transformative experience and unlock the depth of self-awareness and guidance needed for lasting wellness. Contact The Oily Witch to schedule your 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation. Let's embark on this sacred journey together.


Bespoke wellbeing consultation

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What My Customers Say

Claire is a very knowledgeable and wise woman. She helped me to understand past and present events of my life through her bespoke 360 service. She has been clear, deep, to the point, compassionate and sometimes using just the right amount of humour to lighten up the challenging instances I had to face. It is a privilege to work with her. Thank you Claire. Highly recommended! (Lucia Bruno - Oct 23)

Thank you Claire, for the amazing consultation the other day. It was challenging at first but the longer I listen to the recording of it, the more I appreciate your accurate perception, your wisdom and sound advice. Your compassionate and confident guidance has encouraged me to look at myself and my life with a fresh perspective. There is much work to be done but your eloquent way of conveying spiritual truth has fuelled a desire in my mind and heart so now I am looking forward to jumping onto that ship and make it all wonderful and mine! I will highly recommend you ❤️ (Justyna de Laurans - August 23)

Claire is such a joy to work with and is a naturally attentive, kind and compassionate practitioner. I'm so grateful to have been guided to her during a time of ill-health and emotional pain, she's really helped to put me back together again. Her lotions and potions are so beautiful and I love that everything is about ethicability, sustainability and deepening our connection with nature, which feels very important to me. Spending time with Claire feels like meeting up with an old friend. Her warmth and enthusiasm for her work are infectious and inspiring. I'm very appreciative of all Claire has shared with me and for her magical insights and I look forward to working with her again in the future :) (Holly S, May 2022)

I recently had a 360 Bespoke Wellbeing session with Claire, which was amazing. This session is a must for truly understanding yourself holistically, on a deep level. Claire is highly knowledgeable on astrology, nutrition, herbs and plant remedies. My birth chart reading was insightful in to my character traits, also my health concerns and what I need to be mindful of. Claire is also a master alchemist of potions, teas and remedies from essential oil blends, face creams, body lotions, deodorant.. whatever you need. (Jackie C, May 2022)

I first approached Claire when I was seeking help with various digestive issues . She quickly put me at ease, assuring me that there was work we could do to improve my health, but not promising she would be able to solve everything (a claim I distrust!). Through a combination of writing, online video chats and finally (Covid secure) face to face, Claire was able to identify the route of my issues - something no one had done before! She suggested many lifestyle changes I could make, being both encouraging and completely non-judgemental about previous choices. I also left with various teas and oils which help both my body and mood. I now have a much better understanding of how my body works and what I need to do to maintain my health. Thank you so much! (Amy S, March 2021)

“I received a bespoke consultation as a gift, so I did not go to Claire with any particular ailment to cure as such. Therefore I saw the consultation as a way to improve my overall health and help me look at different ways of doing things to benefit my system as a whole.

Claire was incredibly thorough in asking about my medical history and lifestyle etc. This enabled her to pinpoint my frailties and how these could be improved. My overarching area of concern is asthma for which Claire has been able to offer several remedies including oils to diffuse, oils to ingest and also a wonderful tea mixture which is not only super tasty but provides an instant opening of my airways.

I felt Claire really tuned in with me to provide an accurate health analysis and a way forward to increase my general wellbeing. This was further substantiated by the medical astrology aspect of the consultation which seemed to validate her findings in regard to my weaknesses.

I would not hesitate to recommend Claire, whether it's for a specific problem or a general wellness overhaul. She is a sensitive practitioner who immediately puts her clients at ease and you come away feeling blessed. Thank you Claire!” Jules Leonard (Feb 2021)

“I've recently consulted with Claire about the hot flushes that have been dogging me for years and are uncomfortable to say the least, particularly in warmer weather, and which I've always assumed to be the result of fluctuations in hormone levels during peri and post menopause.

Claire isn't the first person I've talked to about them but she is the first to identify the trigger. She did this by very careful, exhaustive questioning from which a pattern (unseen by anyone else I'd talked to) emerged.

I've adjusted my diet and the daytime flushes are no longer a problem.  I am fantastically grateful to Claire for this. Fantastically.

She's also a kind and intelligent listener, warm and direct, and has a great sense of humour.  I very much doubt this will be the last time I shall ask for her help.

Highly recommend.” (July - 2020 Katie Webber)

“Finally, I found something that worked. It’s taken over 10 years to find something that helps me with the chronic pain in my arthritic shoulder. I truly recommend Claire, she knows what’s she doing.” (Brian C)

*Any recommendations and remedies I suggest are not included in this price.

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