The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Using essential oils for excellent Oral Care

Physical Wellbeing - Using essential oils for excellent Oral Care

Kissing with Confidence

We all aspire to fresh breath and clean teeth, recognising consciously or not, this as the poster boy for good health and attractive. No one wants to pucker up with someone with bad breath and or skanky teeth, unless that’s a “thing”? 

Essential Oils in Your Mouth

So, this blog covers why you’d want Essential Oils in your mouth and why certain flavours are so popular in anything that claims to clean your mouth and give you fresh breath. Whether they actually deliver on that, entirely depends on how they are contained, and if they are just a chemical that tastes like the original flavour or the real thing! Trust me, more often than not these days we’re talking fake…

Same Page

Here are some of the unique benefits of using mouth products containing essential oils and the magical abilities of each one. But, before we go any further, I need to make sure we’re all on the same page about what an essential oil actually is, because it delivers on much more than just a pleasing aroma.

Definition of an Essential Oil

Essential oils, are harvested from the immune system of plants, they are a collection of the microscopic volatile oily sacks that sit on the surface of leaves, petals, in resins, barks and roots. What they do for the plants, they do for us, repair, soothe and improve. And, they are 50 to 70 times as potent as the plants themselves, due to their concentration. In short, they are therapeutic and documented usage goes back over 18,000 years!

Bio Identical to Humans

Because of our biological similarities to plants, they penetrate our skins within 30 seconds and enter our cells within 20 minutes, treating the heart of any damage. 

Quick Absorption

Now, given how thin the skin is in our mouth, this absorption is even quicker, as is the case with anything we put in our mouths. Adding water, as we do when we brush our teeth, facilitates the body’s use of these chemicals, because anything water soluble is easier to metabolise.

Which does What?

The following oils are the most commonly used for mouth products, for many good reasons, this should help you make the right choice. 

Toxin Free Mouthwash

You can use any of them to make your own mouthwash, if you’re someone who likes to rinse, just add a few drops to some deionized water. Soooooo much better, more effective and safer than the chemical weapon called “mouthwash” you can buy in the shops. There is lots of petroleum product in them….

Find out “How to” make this and other useful Beauty Recipes by taking my Beauty Workshop.

FYI, if you want to remove the screen protection on your Mac Computer, because it’s gone wrong, it’s recommended to use a mouthwash!!!! (I formerly absolve any responsibility financial or otherwise if you try this)

Peppermint the Pain Killer

Peppermint, it is no coincidence that this flavour is synonymous with the world of dentistry and oral hygiene. 

This lady is a natural at relieving minor pain or pain associated with non-disease states. Her mentholated touch reduces tenderness, whilst her icy breath opens and oxygenates, cooling temperatures, relieving tension headaches and promoting clear breathing. 

Her magical properties make her a natural in creating and maintaining fresh breath. If you experience any reflux, digestive issues, this could be the one for you. She also makes your lips tingle nicely.

Find out more about Essential Oils and their benefits for Health here

Wild Orange the Degreaser

Orange, a favourite with kids and or sporty adults, comprised mainly of Limonene, can’t be beaten for degreasing and purifying. 

Despite what you may think, acid on the teeth, a citric essential oil does not contain ANY citric acid! In fact, it is more alkaline and neutralising, so your teeth are very safe. 

This lady promises to also energise your mouth and your soul with her refreshing, zingy sweetness. A great one for reducing anxiety, which can be very useful when you’re trying to get small people to actually brush their teeth! And, you can add her to water, one drop at time, to drink as a lovely healthy alternative.

Find out more about Essential Oils and how they help with Sports here

Lemon the Cleanser

Lemon, popular with everyone since her discovery, with her citrusy freshness just making you feel alive and kicking. 

She like Orange, contains between 55 and 75% Limonene, that’s the chemical constituent that uplifts and cleanses everything it comes into contact with. 

Find out more about Essential Oils amazing Cleaning abilities here

She’s excellent for your respiratory health overall and keeping your nervous system in balance. She cuts through grease like a knife through butter, this sticker remover and feeder of wood and leather. 

Learn more about her in my mini vlog

Mini Vlog on Luscious Lemon Oil, the Queen of Clean

Tea Tree/Melaleuca the First Aider

Tea Tree (Melaleuca), this Australian native plant has absolutely nothing to do with tea, but contains an amazing 92 different compounds making it super versatile. 

This essence is a natural first aider. She gives a very deep clean, whilst cutting contamination dead. 

If you’re prone to mouth ulcers, biting your tongue or inside cheek, this could be the one for you. She will also clear your sinuses instantly, for those waking with a blocked nose, which incidentally is a very big sign that something’s not right! 

Her real self is lovely and fresh, often though she is mixed up with petroleum type additives to make her go further in the cheaper essential oils and smells noxious. 

Eucalyptus the Purifyer

Eucalyptus, a lady perfect for those afflicted with challenging sinuses or breathing difficulties. Her dominant chemicals, eucalyptol and alpha-terpineol, create calm, causing airways to chillax and thus oxygenate. 

She’s also ace at cleaning surfaces and purifying the air, ideal for those who like to challenge their oral health with heavily flavoured food and drink. She can keep your mouth kissable and disease free.

Find out about using Essential Oils on Children here

Essential Oil Toothpaste

Buy here

I sell the most amazing, effective and delicious toothpaste in the World, OnGuard Toothpaste. It contains all the essential oils you need to keep your teeth, mouth and gums clean and NO toxic fluoride. Fyi, fluoride is a bi-product of the aluminium manufacturing process and is known to make you more docile!

I have many clients who swear by it, the cost far less than their regular trips to the hygienists, which have all been significantly reduced. 

You can read about its wonders here

Buying Essential Oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest Essential Oils, you can buy them directly from me.

It’s always best to purchase Essential Oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Essential Oil Workshops

I give essential workshops, which can be done on Zoom or face to face, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Essential Oils and the best ways to use them in your life. You can now enjoy my workshops online, please visit for more information.