Bespoke Pathways to Wellness

Spiritual Guidance £88

Experience a unique blend of traditional counseling enriched with the profound dimension of Spirit. Spiritual Guidance with The Oily Witch goes beyond the conventional, tapping into your Higher Self, intuition, life purpose, and the interconnected realms of energy and physical body healing.

360 Bespoke Consultation - £999

Illuminate Your Path to Wellness

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being with The Oily Witch's 360 Bespoke Consultation. This comprehensive session offers a 360-degree assessment of your emotional, physical, and spiritual health, guiding you towards peace and light.

Medical & Birth Astrology Chart £303

Embark on a celestial journey of self-discovery with The Oily Witch's Medical & Birth Astrology Chart Reading. This comprehensive service provides a profound exploration of your reality, potential, karma, wounds, and health, all as written in the stars.